Annie Li

Annie Li Headshot.jpg

PA Agent

You’s all about the feeling people get when they can finally find a home that is theirs. Our space is such a deep reflection of who we are and what we aspire to be and to be able to share that experience with my clients is a privilege. I'm Annie Li, and as Queen Bey says- 'I dream it, I work hard, I grind till’ I own it!'

While working in Pharmacy, I decided to buy my first investment property at 23 and have been hungry to get involved more in the Real Estate industry since. This led me to join the Dominic Fuscia Team.

I currently live in Port Richmond with my partner Jim, where we love to go out to restaurants with friends or spend time with family. However, one of my favorite places to frequent is Double Knot in Center City. When I'm not out on the town, you can find me at home relaxing, folding laundry Marie Kondo style.


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